

宁宇真 2024-11-23 方案 895 次浏览 0个评论


I cherish the song "My Motherland and Me" and hope it to be sung by more people. This is why it was translated into English.

My Motherland and Me

Lyrics by Zhang Li

Music by Qin Yongcheng

Translation by Dun Guangang

My motherland and me can never be apart from each other.

Wherever I am, I sing your praises, Mother.

I sing of all your mountains; I sing of all your rivers.

Kitchen smoke curls up cottages and a rut left by drivers.

My dearest motherland, you hold me close to your heart.

I listen to stories told by your pulse, Mother.

My motherland and me are like the sea and a ripple on its water.

The ripple is a child of the sea, which is the ripple’s supporter.

When the sea is smiling, I am dimpling with laughter.

I share the sea’s burden, and the sea shares with me pleasure.

My dearest motherland, you’re the sea that does not dry up, ever.

You always present blue waves, and songs I favor.


The original lyrics follow a single rhyme scheme, and the translation also aims to maintain this pattern. Specifically, I not only wanted the English version to rhyme all throughout, but also to再现the original rhyme scheme by using the English /ə/ sound to correspond to the Chinese Pinyin 'e'. This would ensure a closer match in form and a more authentic feel when singing.

However, when actually translating, I found it difficult to maintain the rhyme scheme. For example, the phrase "I sing of each mountain; I sing of each river" can be literally translated as "I sing of each mountain; I sing of each river", with the latter phrase "Kitchen smoke, small villages, a rut on the road" ending in "a rut left by the driver". Thus, 'river' and 'driver' rhyme.

However, translating "I sing of each mountain; I sing of each river" as "I sing of each mountain; I sing of each river" differs from the original歌词, as "each mountain" and "each river" in the original歌词refer specifically to the motherland's mountains and rivers.

Therefore, I translated the original歌词as "I sing of each of your mountains; I sing of each of your rivers" but found it unattractive with two 'of's in a short phrase. I then changed it to "I sing of all your mountains; I sing of all your rivers", which still保留了the /ə/ sound.

There's one other point I feel worth mentioning. The phrase "Kitchen smoke, small villages, a rut on the road" was not translated using 'village' but a more specific expression 'cottage'. Additionally, the original歌词only has this one phrase that is not a complete sentence, so I整合it into a single sentence, considering the English writing style.

I welcome any批评and suggestions from readers.

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转载请注明来自广州玛斯顿影音有限公司,本文标题:《《我和我的祖国》英文版简谱 》
