

鲍舒彦 2024-11-16 技术 803 次浏览 0个评论





  1. Five little monkeys jump on the bed
  2. Five little pumpkins
  3. Ten green bottles
  4. The numbers song
  5. Ten in the bed
  6. Ten little Indians
  7. Once I caught a fish alive
  8. This old man


  1. Head shoulders kness and toes
  2. Finger family
  3. One little finger
  4. If you are happy and you know it


  1. Brush your teeth
  2. This is the way we brush our teeth
  3. The bath song


  1. Jack and jill
  2. Rain on the green grass
  3. To market to market


  1. Baby shark
  2. Who took the cookie from the cookie can
  3. Teddy bear
  4. The hokey pokey shake
  5. Wag your tail
  6. Rock scissors paper
  7. Did you ever see a lassie


  1. Old MacDonald had a farm
  2. Did you ever see a tail
  3. Donkey donkey
  4. Cows in the kitchen
  5. The lion and the unicorn
  6. The bear went over the mountain
  7. Froggie froggie
  8. Goosey goosey gander
  9. The crawdad song


  1. The music room
  2. Do re mi
  3. Sing a ring
  4. I can sing a rainbow


  1. ABC song
  2. Color song
  3. The shape song
  4. Days of the week
  5. In the sea
  6. A sailor went to sea
  7. Down by the station


  1. Hush, little baby
  2. Sweet dreams
  3. Skidamarink


  1. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
  2. Santa claus is coming to town
  3. We wish you a merry Christmas
  4. Jingle bell
  5. Christmas is magic
  6. Christmas is coming


  1. Good morning
  2. Happy new year
  3. Happy birthday song
  4. The muffin man
  5. Are you sleeping
  6. Row row row your boat
  7. It’s a small world
  8. Edelweiss
  9. You are my sunshine
  10. Long long ago
  11. Hickory dickory dock
  12. Tisket a tasket
  13. The farmer in the dell
  14. Over in the meadow
  15. Being kind to each other
  16. The more we get together
  17. Yankee doodle
  18. We all fall down
  19. Oh susanna
  20. The Pinocchio
  21. Can you tell me what this is
  22. Here we go around the mulberry bush
  23. How is the weather
  24. Up, up, up
  25. A hole in the bottom of the sea
  26. Walking through the jungle
  27. My bonnie


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