

徐兴昕 2024-11-20 测评 881 次浏览 0个评论


Today's Strategy:Orchestrating Moves in the "Arena"

Today's strategy is about orchestrating competitive moves in what I term as "arenas." An arena is a unique combination of a customer segment, a specific offer, and the place where that offer is delivered. It's not that industries are becoming irrelevant; rather, industry-level analysis alone doesn't give you the complete picture.

The concept of a transient competitive advantage is less about outearning your industry peers, as conventional wisdom suggests, and more about responding to customers' "jobs to be done" in a given space. It's about meeting their needs, solving their problems, and delivering value in a timely manner.



Key Vocabulary:

1. strategy: 战略

2. arena: 竞技场,斗争场所

3. orchestrate: 精心安排,精心策划

4. transient competitive advantage: 暂时性竞争优势



My Translation:

Today's business strategy involves meticulously arranging competitive moves within the "arenas" I have designated. An arena is a combination of a customer segment, a specific offer, and the location where that offer is provided. It's not that industries have become irrelevant; it's just that analyzing them at a superficial level doesn't give you the full picture.

The notion of a transient competitive advantage is not about earning more money than your competitors, as traditional definitions suggest, but rather about responding to customers' "jobs to be done" in a given space. It's about understanding their needs, addressing their challenges, and delivering value in a timely manner.



This is the 163rd original article by the author. #EducationSpeaks#

I'm Teacher English Zhengqiang, passionate about teaching, reading, and writing. I enjoy creating original content and love to share it with you. Thank you for your attention, comments, and likes.

---THE END---

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转载请注明来自广州玛斯顿影音有限公司,本文标题:《读外刊,了解“strategy” 》
