

邵熠梦 2024-11-20 器材 818 次浏览 0个评论

Hello everyone, this is Mr. Shao. I often hear from junior high school students that the word "environment" is difficult to remember. Today, let's explore it together.


I'd like to say that words are difficult to remember only because you haven't seen through them.邵老师 will teach you how to master the ability to explain words step by step.

高效巧记初中词environment 高效巧记初中词environment

Actually, the word "environment" can be divided into "en-make + vir-turn + on + ment noun suffix". The suffix "en-" is commonly used to indicate the meaning of "making" or "causing". For example, "enrich" means to enrich, "enable" means to enable, "enlarge" means to enlarge, and "encourage" means to encourage. The prefix "vir-" represents "turn" and has many variations, such as "vert" and "vers", which both mean "turn".


For instance, "conversation" means a talk or discussion, "advertisement" means an advertisement, and "diverse" means diverse or different. The "on" here can be seen as the shortened form of "one", so the literal meaning of "environment" is "a region formed by revolving around something or someone as the center. This area is called 'environment', and the Chinese character 'huan' is also related to rotation".

高效巧记初中词environment 高效巧记初中词environment

So, do you understand how to remember words without rote memorization?邵老师 will guide you to remember words efficiently and creatively, covering pronunciation, form, and meaning. By the way, let me teach you some phrases related to the environment, such as "home environment", "classroom environment", and "social environment".环保 is "environmental protection". Come on, you can do it! Like and subscribe if you've learned it!

Bye, see you next time!

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